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Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)
Development work

CSA-Program in Botswana

The area around the Okavango Delta in Botswana is currently one of the regions that have been hit particularly hard by Covid-19. Tourists stayed away, and many people became unemployed. The dry, barren soils of the semi-desert state are difficult to use for agriculture, especially as climate change is progressing particularly rapidly there. Many people live in hunger and poverty – more than ever before.

To change that, SAVE Wildlife Conservation Botswana launched the Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) program in 2021, to support rural communities. The goal of the program is to increase agricultural productivity and build resilience to climate change risks by disseminating climate-smart agricultural practices and strengthening markets in rural and urban areas in Botswana. To date, six projects have been identified and evaluated, five of which have been funded, including the Okavango Farm, which is supported by schauinsland-reisen. The program is currently being expanded to other areas to reach more communities and implement a greater number of projects from different areas in the coming years.

„The CSA program is designed to optimize nutrition in rural communities while serving as an alternative for livestock production.“

Onalethata Kealebale, Okavango Farm Manager –

Here, SAVE has enabled climate-friendly agriculture:

We are committed to supporting environmentally sustainable agriculture near wildlife areas through five different bases around the Okavango Delta.

CSA-Okavango Farm

Climate Smart Agriculture Botswana

Climate Smart Agriculture Botswana

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CSA - Shelter Botswana

CSA - Hope of Living

Climate Smart Agriculture Botswana Afrika

Climate Smart Agriculture Botswana Afrika

CSA - ToCadi

Climate Smart Agriculture Okavango Delta

Climate Smart Agriculture Okavango Delta

CSA - Phillip Morutegi

Climate Smart Agriculture Okavango Delta

CSA – Okavango Farm

In collaboration with the Okavango Kopano Mokoro Community Trust (OKMCT), the Ministry of Agriculture, the local community and a generous grant from schauinsland-reisen, SAVE has launched a project to promote climate-smart agriculture in Quqao village. The aim of the project is to empower the residents of six villages in NG 32/35. In the process, a four-hectare organic vegetable garden on the edge of one of the most wildlife-rich areas was made possible. This garden will provide a total of 30 farmers with an alternative to livestock farming. By growing vegetables, the smallholders can become less dependent on meat and livestock and thus reduce the risk of predator attacks.  At the same time, sustainable food security for the people and long-term protection of wildlife is ensured. The Smart Agriculture project supported by schauinsland-reisen in the village of Quqao is thus an important commitment that strengthens the local population and promotes sustainable development.

CSA – Shelter Botswana

Shelter Botswana is a shelter and home-based care organization (HBCO) for vulnerable children in Maun. The organization cares for 38 orphans in need of protection (OVC) and employs 10 staff. In order to maximize production, the backyard garden needed to be expanded. Therefore, the organization applied for a CSA grant from SAVE to fund the garden project. SAVE supported the project with an amount of BWP 38,000.00 to purchase materials, tools and seeds. The goal of the project is to generate income by selling fruits and vegetables. 20% of the harvest will be distributed as weekly meals to the children, while the remaining 80% will be sold to support the organization. Through SAVE’s financial support, Shelter Botswana can continue to provide a safe place for vulnerable children and give them a perspective for the future.
Climate Smart Agriculture Botswana Afrika

CSA – Hope of Living Centre

The Hope of Living Centre (HLC) is an officially registered organization based in Shakawe that aims to create jobs, advance poverty alleviation and ensure food security for the local population by establishing a horticulture project. A total of 30 women from Shakawe and Mohembo (Ngamiland district) benefit from the project, which also supports needy groups in the community by selling the garden’s produce at the local market.

CSA – ToCaDi

The organization TOCaDi is a dedicated non-governmental organization based in Shakawe that promotes sustainable vegetable production. In the small village of Shaikarawe, just 15 kilometers from Shakawe and 10 kilometers west of Mohembo, TOCaDi operates the SAVE-supported community vegetable farming project. The organization’s goal is to alleviate the problems of poverty and unemployment. The project is run by ten members and has been supported by SAVE with generous funding of BWP 35,010.74. With their commitment and passion, TOCaDi is making a lasting impact on the community and a better future.
Climate Smart Agriculture Okavango Delta

CSA – Phillip Morutegi

The six-member team, consisting of three men and three women, is fully motivated for the project in Mogotho, a village near Shakawe. Their goal is to bring about positive change in their community by getting involved in horticulture. In particular, they want to support people who have been affected by the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic, such as the elderly and youth. The project involves growing vegetables using climate-friendly methods and raising poultry to create local jobs and provide food for the communities. The project was funded by SAVE with an amount of BWP 50,000.00.

And this could be your contribution

Our goal is to establish the Climate Smart Agriculture program as a double success story in the long term: It will not only improve the nutrition of the local population, but also provide a sustainable source of income for the people. Support the communities in Botswana in this endeavor.

Support rural communities in Botswana